Jun 302011

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Nathan Rhea and Colin Landweer returned from the Santa Clara International swim meet that took place over the third weekend of June. The highest place finish among our two for a meet that hosted the likes of Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Natalie Coughlin and Jessica Hardy among others, was the 85th place finish by Nathan Rhea in his qualifying event, the 400 IM. Our sole time improvement came from Colin Landweer who swam a 2:19.31 in his 200 IM, dropping from his recent lifetime best performance at Speedo Grand Challenge in Irvine the previous month. Each of our swimmers competed in the Santa Clara International for their first time, and were the first two to qualify for this prestigious Grand Prix senior meet in over three years (our last qualifier being Megan Eppler). Only a handful of TNT swimmers have qualified for this meet in the past 10 years, and they include: Bradley Matsumoto, Kohlton Norys, Samantha Goates, Megan Eppler. International swimmers and teams representing countries such as Japan, Korea, Australia, Mexico and others converge annually to the Santa Clara International meet. One purpose this year and next year is to prepare for the upcoming Olympic Games.

Congratulations to both Nathan and Colin in both qualifying and competing at their first Santa Clara International meet.

 Posted by at 01:00