Despite the stormy weather on the Sunday of the San Luis Obispo Gobbler Classic, 12-year old Jacqui Koster and 11-year old Jakob Koorey still manage to improve 88% and 86% of their times respectively. The meet was the last opportunity for our swimmers to qualify for the Winter Age Group (WAG) Invitational held in Long Beach over the second weekend of December. Swimming sizable drops such as nearly 6 seconds in the 200 freestyle (1:54.00), 15-year old Josh Koster improved 71% of his times as he recently returned from the Terrapin Senior meet and readies for the Age Group Invitational. His teammate from Visalia, 12-year old Andrea Morales also improved 71% of her times and also made her second WAG qualifying time, this time in the 50 freestyle (28.55). Other swimmers who improved 50% or more of their times included: Danielle Albright (63%), Jimmy Koster (63%), JD Koster (50%) and Katherine Sullivan (50%).
Our swimmers competed in the Blue, Red or White divisions depending on their entry times. Event champions within their respective divisions were led by 8-year old Mason Amble of Visalia who nearly went undefeated, taking home 1st place finishes in eight of his nine events: 50 fly, 25 breast, 50 free, 25 back, 100 IM, 50 back, 50 breast and 25 freestyle events in the 7-8 age division. Eight year old Danielle Albright, swimming primarily in the faster Blue division, took home seven wins of her eleven events, while 9-year old Skylar Ford and 12-year old Jakob Koorey each took home 5 wins apiece. Other event champions included: Jayce Ford (3 wins), Jacqui Koster (2 wins), JD Koster (3 wins), Paige Costa (2 wins), Emily Sullivan (2 wins), Brett Hanke (1 win), London Jones (1 win), Toby Jones (1 win), Andrea Morales (1 win), Katherine Sullivan (1 win) and Anthonly Tellechea (1 win).