Nathan Rhea has been announced by USA Swimming as one of 28 male swimmers who are invited to attend one of four Zone Select Camps. Nathan is invited to attend the Western Zone Select Camp. One purpose of the Zone Select Camp is for USA Swimming to identify the emerging youth in each Zone and provide experiences for those swimmers as they move on to the national level of competition.
Girls must have been between the ages of 12-13 and boys must have been between the ages of 13-14 between May and August of 2009. Fifteen swimmers for each gender were selected based on IMX points (8 girls aged 12, 7 girls age 13, 8 boys age 13 and 7 boys of age 14) from this past summer’s long course performance. The 13 additional swimmers are selected if they are the fastest swimmer in their Zone in each Olympic event (not including the 50 free).
Nathan’s Western Zone Select Camp will take place May 27-30 at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, and all athlete expenses once at the camp are covered by USA Swimming.
Congratulations Nathan, your hard work pays off.